Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Angel of God...

I honestly don't think I've ever seen anyone damn anyone (literally) via news comment before. I may just be naive though. First, a simple story about Sarah Palin linking Iraq and 9/11:

Then the kicker:

I hope the godless liberals keep attacking Sarah Palin's religion. God will not be mocked. Liberals will pay the eternal price for their disrespect for this angel of God.
Thanks millerroberta. I like that criticizing a politician is the same as mocking God. I like that Sarah Palin is, in fact, an angel sent from God. I like that seemingly all Liberals will pay this eternal price.
But I LOVE that millerroberta HOPES this will happen. Keep spreading the good news, my friend. You make Ddroe20 (see below) seem downright sensible.

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