Sunday, September 28, 2008

Reminds me a bit of Palin responding to Couric regarding her Proximity to Russia...

This is a long one, but worth it. So stay with it.

Godblessed has some seriously disjointed thoughts about the election.

37. godblessed | 09.28.08

Why does Obama want to be president at all cost ? Is he genuine. Please remember to vote for a genuine individual , then American People would truly benefit. Thanks .
Don’t you think that the major US media set it up so that everything they publish or air are in favor of Barrack Obama ???!!!
What you do Not know about Obama could Hurt you . AND WHY JOE BIDEN LIED THAT HIS WIFE WAS KILLED BY A ” DRUNK ” DRIVER ? WHAT WAS THE MOTIVE FOR LYING THAT THE DRIVER WAS DRUNK ?McCain’s choice of Palin proves McCain to be very smart and keen. The world may prefer Obama because it would be easier for them to deal with In-Experienced Obama . Do we need Ethnic/Race Quota in US government ? I suppose that one has to earn the privilege . Does Obama deserve that !
Please keep Obama as Senator Here in Illinois;How could you guarantee that Obama would be a good president ? Thanks
Please Keep Senator Obama here for the state of Illinois. Thanks How could you guarantee that Obama would be a good president ? Thanks Dear People, when you think that you could not achieve some tasks or multiple tasks, please do Not think that nobody else could achieve since people are different , there are way smarter people out there and Sarah Palin are among them. Please do research in quantum, metaphysics about that truth. Obama could be Senator , at the best! Please vote for President McCain and Vice President Sarah Palin. Thanks. God Bless America Forever. — We must pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended upon us. St. Ignatius of Loyola

At least s/he hit all the major talking points: "inexperience," "God," "Drunk Driving," a "race quota in government," "quantum, metaphysics." "Sarah Palin are way smart."

Excellent. I especially appreciate how often the reader was thanked.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A literal goldmine of Inappropriateness...

What else can one expect from an article about one candidate lying about another in this golden age of internet reason:

It was hard to select a single idea to pursue, but this is a particularly fantastic moment:

Posted by: NickinVA | September 19, 2008 11:21 AM

Connie, where is the lying? McCain's camp took direct quotes from the WaPo. I wish all you liberal fanatics out there had the guts to call people liars face to face so you can get the punch in the nose you all richly deserve.

It seems our new friend Nick (who may be in Virginia) has indeed offered to punch another poster named 'Connie' in the nose. Slow clap for Nick, ya'll.

But it doesn't end there. No...

Posted by: Sam | September 19, 2008 12:34 PM

I'd love to run you over w my hybrid. I'll be in Tyson's corner at 3. Wanna meet up and settle this???

Way to be simultaneously chivalrous and environmentally responsible, Sam. You are a superstar. I hope Nick and Sam did meet up at Tyson's Corner at 3. Maybe they could be friends.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I was under the impression that Australians speak English...

A change in Australian Liberal party leadership:

There's much Aussie funny speak (note: what I can make out is generally quite congenial or 'appropriate'), but here's my favorite:


16 Sep 2008 11:37:21am

Wotcha reckon the ALP might use a UK-style retrospective ruling on the inter-bank fees rort to hit a populist note which neuters Turnbull?

Huh? Rort? I guess politics are different so far down there.

Another good moment (for utterly different reasons):


16 Sep 2008 11:33:49am

Dear Mr Bloomfield.

I can't help but notice your quick replies to these news stories.

One must wonder if you have a job. And if you do, does your employer know your wasting time making ridiculous comments?
Yeah! Get a job Mr. Bloomfield. Tremendous. Much love to all of Australia.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Angel of God...

I honestly don't think I've ever seen anyone damn anyone (literally) via news comment before. I may just be naive though. First, a simple story about Sarah Palin linking Iraq and 9/11:

Then the kicker:

I hope the godless liberals keep attacking Sarah Palin's religion. God will not be mocked. Liberals will pay the eternal price for their disrespect for this angel of God.
Thanks millerroberta. I like that criticizing a politician is the same as mocking God. I like that Sarah Palin is, in fact, an angel sent from God. I like that seemingly all Liberals will pay this eternal price.
But I LOVE that millerroberta HOPES this will happen. Keep spreading the good news, my friend. You make Ddroe20 (see below) seem downright sensible.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama = Hitler

This post comes from an ESPN Fantasy Baseball Forums thread about McCain versus Obama. A user called "ddroe20" sets to out to say one thing. Multiple things later, this user gets to the most important thing:

"I will say one thing: I wouldnt vote for somebody who was a commnuity organizer, and a member of the senate for 173 days. Ever. I remember 9/11 (tomorrow is 7 year anniversary FYI), and I value my freedom, my right to what I earn, and my guns.

If Obama gets elected, and Im afraid he will, as there are more dumb voters than intelligent voters out there, than we are in trouble with national security, international policy. And his economic policy to get us out of a so called recession - it will sink us even further. I dont want my taxes going to pay some bum who lives off of welfare, and doesnt work a lick."

There are many things to love about this post, chief among them being ddroe20's dogged refusal to bow to that most liberal of punctuation marks: the apostrophe and his/her ability to hit all the most important conservative bases: 9/11, freedom, guns, taxes, and welfare. It's easy to tune out, thinking that we've heard it all before. But ddroe20 rewards us richly for sticking with this post:

"I think you get my jist. Obama is too unqualified. You know the last person in power that was a great speaker and nothing else? Mr Adolf Hitler."

That's right, folks. Ddroe20 could carry on with the laundry list of reasons the country's in the shitter if Obama is elected, but s/he doesn't have to. S/he knows we get his jist (only liberals spell it with a "g"). The more important point to make, here, is the heretofore unremarked-upon similarities between Adolf Hitler and Barack Obama. Thank you, ddroe20. Thank you.