ESPN wanted to delve into the true story behind the story:
Now one could expect any manner of run-of-the-mill inappropriate comments: sexist remarks, over sexualized remarks, making fun of Mr. Durst and/or Cube. But USMCsnyper (scary) simply fell off the deep end:
"USMCsnypr (10 hours ago)this just goes to show hollywood is stalled, and putting out crappy work.they have 5 movie contracts, so they put em out like a girl on prom night.
i mean look at television, 90210 2?
reality is everywhere, im the only person in the western hemisphere w/o a show.
but soon i will, lol
politics, entertainment, and the quality of life as we know it is going to hell in a hand basket if you believe in that fantasy book called the bible, hello evolution.
it took millions of years for the continents to drift apart, and they continue to drift, lol
but anyway, what this all has to do with this amalgamation of crap and 40 million in wasted money is, get yours cuz everyone else is."
Whoa, Snypr. Really? This is grounds for bringing up creationism? You win the 'crazy connections' award. Kudos.
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